The Differences Between the FUE Technique and th...

The Differences Between the FUE Technique and the FUT Technique
- In FUT technique, hair is harvested together with the skin from the area at the nape of the neck with incisions in strips. This harvested strip is divided into pieces without separating the good quality from the bad quality hair roots, and transplanted onto the areas without hair.
While in the FUE technique, hair roots are chosen and taken from the area at the nape of the neck and there is no need to make any incision.
- For the FUT technique, hairs are taken from the nape of the neck with surgical cuts of 15-20 centimetres.
For the FUE technique, hairs are taken from the nape of the neck without surgery with 0.6-0.7-millimetre instruments.
- For the FUT technique, the appearance achieved is not a natural appearance.
For the FUE technique, the results are more natural.
- For the FUT technique, 20 cm. scars can appear in the area at the nape of the neck from where hair is taken.
For the FUE technique, no scars appear, as there is no surgical operation carried out.
- For the FUT technique, while 80% of the hairs obtained can be transplanted, up to 15 to 30% of them die during the process of sorting.
For the FUE technique, 100 % of the hair taken can be transplanted.
- For the FUT technique, there will be a feeling of numbness at the nape of the neck for four to eight months.
For the FUE technique, there will be no feeling of numbness.
- For the FUT technique, people must rest for approximately two weeks after the hair transplant.
For the FUE technique, people can keep on working actively right after the operation.
- For the FUT technique, 1,000 roots can be transplanted in 6 hours.
For the FUE technique, 1,000 roots can be transplanted in an hour.
- For the FUT technique, even if the number of hairs transplanted differs, the price is the same.
For the FUE technique, the price depends on the number of hairs transplanted.
- For the FUT technique, general anaesthesia will be applied.
- For the FUE technique, local anaesthesia will be applied.
- For the FUT technique, 10 to 20 roots per square centimetre can be transplanted.
For the FUE technique, 60 to 80 roots per square centimetre can be transplanted
- For the FUT technique, the roots wait for approximately 3 hours outside the body.
For the FUE technique, the roots are transplanted within 10 minutes without a waiting period.
- For the FUT technique, transplantation can be carried out only in the areas where the hair has fallen out.
For the FUE technique, transplantation can be carried out in places such as those with burns or wound scars.
- For the FUT technique, 80 hairs will grow out on average out of every 100 hair roots transplanted.
For the FUE technique, 95 percent of hairs will grow out on average out of every 100 hair roots transplanted.
- For the FUT technique, hairs are transplanted at a 90-degree angle to the skin and will grow out straight up.
For the FUE technique, hairs are transplanted at a 45 to 60-degree angle to the skin and will grow out naturally. - For the FUT technique, the hairs cannot be shaped.
For the FUE technique, hairs can be shaped at will.
- For the FUT technique, there is no need to cut the hair before the operation.
For the FUE technique, the hair must be cut because the hair roots will be taken one by one.
- For the FUT technique, bandages are put on after the surgery.
For the FUE technique, there is no need for bandaging as no surgical procedure is carried out.
- For the FUT technique, all the transplanted hair will fall out temporarily.
For the FUE technique, a part of the transplanted hair will fall out temporarily.
- For the FUT technique, the patient must use painkillers for a certain period of time because of the incisions that are made.
For the FUE technique, there is no need to use painkillers because no surgery or painful procedure is carried out.
- For the FUT technique, the earliest that the second session can be made is 7 months later.
- For the FUE technique, the second session can be made 5 days later.
- For the FUT technique, only hair transplantation can be carried out.
For the FUE technique, transplantation of eyebrows, beard, moustache and eyelashes can be carried out.
For more information about hair transplantation in the best hospital for hair transplant in Turkey please contact MEDIKOY medical team by contact information below