What is hair transplant?

Define the process of hair implants as a type of surgery by which bald areas in the head or beard are filled. These processes are performed using different techniques

The steps of hair transplant

The steps of hair transplant:Consultation,Anesthesia,Follicles Extraction,Recipient Site Creation/ transfer of follicles, Transplantation,Postoperative Processes and Post-operative Care & Hair Wash

The right candidate for hair transplant

Many people are now able to do hair transplant easily and address baldness problems or scalp spaces that cause distress and loss of self-confidence, especially men, where a large group of young people and the elderly suffer from chronic baldness problems due to the effect of testosterone

The right candidate for hair transplant

Many people are now able to do hair transplant easily and address baldness problems or scalp spaces that cause distress and loss of self-confidence, especially men, where a large group of young people and the elderly suffer from chronic baldness problems due to the effect of testosterone

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